Class of 2028 Fundraiser: Power House Subs 2/14 to 2/24/25
FFA Spirit Week 2/18 to 2/21/25
Quiz Bowl Competition
7:30 AM
2:30 PM
(Indiana Area Senior High School, 450 N 5th St, Indiana, PA 15701, USA)
S.U.L.T. Student's United Leadership Team
7:30 AM
11 AM
(Indiana County Technology Center, 441 Hamill Rd, Indiana, PA 15701, USA)
IUP College for the Day Tour
8:35 AM
1:45 PM
(IUP Student Co-op Association Fitness Center, Hadley Union Building, Indiana, PA 15705, USA)
PSSA/Keystone Committee
2:40 PM
3:40 PM
(HS Conference Room)
Muscial Club - Rehearsal 1/6/25 to 3/31/2025
5 PM
7 PM
(Auditorium, Hallway, Band Room)
Western Region Orchestra 2/20 to 2/22/25
(Richland High School, 1 Academic Ave, Johnstown, PA 15904, USA)
ACES Conference 2/22 to 2/23/25
7:30 AM
12 AM
(Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel, 4650 Lindle Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17111, USA)
Majorettes & Color Guard - TIA Competition
8:20 AM
8 PM
(Tyrone Area High School, 1001 Clay Ave, Tyrone, PA 16686, USA)
Muscial Club - Rehearsal- Saturday
8:30 AM
12 PM
(Auditorium, Hallway, Band Room)
Class of 2028 Fundraiser: Power House Subs 2/14 to 2/24/25
ACES Conference 2/22 to 2/23/25
7:30 AM
12 AM
(Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel, 4650 Lindle Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17111, USA)
Healthcare Education & Learning Pathways Summit (H.E.L.P.)
7:40 AM
2:20 PM
(Lenape Technical School, 2215 Chaplin Ave, Ford City, PA 16226, USA)
Muscial Club - Rehearsal 1/6/25 to 3/31/2025
5 PM
7 PM
(Auditorium, Hallway, Band Room)