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Penns Manor Area Junior/ Senior High School Where Bright Futures Begin

Krista Gillo » Attendance And Bus Notes

Attendance And Bus Notes

A parent or guardian can email attendance excuses or early dismissals to [email protected]  by 8:00 a.m. for high school students.
EXCUSES: The subject line should read "High School Excuse"
Please include the following information:
      • student's first and last name
      • grade
      • date of absence
      • reason for absence
      • parent/guardian's name
EARLY DISMISSAL: The subject line should read "High School Early Dismissal"
Please include the following information:
      • student's first and last name
      • grade
      • date of dismissal
      • reason for dismissal
      • who is picking up the student (driver's license required)
      • parent/guardian's name
A parent or guardian can email bus notes to [email protected] by 8:00 a.m. for high school students.